"This day is dragging such ass." "Mmmmmm graham crackers. Who the hell is Graham?" "Why yes, it is! And check out the lining! *opens coat to show a big Texas flag with a Republican elephant* Snazzy, eh?" "Other than that, I have an appointment every one month to do a tap dance on its grave." "Hey you guys wanted PORNTALK." "NO! The power of snuggles is too great! Must...resist..." "My eyelids have just snapped the toothpicks I was using to hold them open!" "Come here Aeryn...your head looks so much like a baseball and I feel the need to hit it sooooo badly." "Ass-on-chair syndrome and screen watchage along with some digits excercise, I hear it's quite popular these days with the young ones..." "Oh what make up, soft lighting and the art of air brushing can do." "They all died in an unfortunate accident involving Michael Bolton, a trampoline and lots and lots of cheese." "The lurky pants were freshly washed, steamed and pressed before going into the bag, Kolp!" "I swear I am so going to need beer when I get home...." "No, no sex changes.............for now." "I'm all for some froobah!" "Holy frag on toast, woman!" "What do you expect from an old bag of wind?" "Uh, sorry it's not that impressive... we had a welcome wagon, but I lost it in a poker game. Now we have a welcome scooter. Sorry." "Is there talk about me and my thing again?..you women are really starting to worry me..."